
Malcolm Gladwell Was Wrong;
10,000 Hours of Experience Won’t Make You Great at Anything!

Everyone knows that if you do something for 10,000 hours, you will develop expertise in that area. Well-regarded, Best-Selling author Malcolm Gladwell sighted this metric in his 2008 book – Outliers: He wrote, “In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours.” Another quote references […]


The Micromanagement Myth

Think about the worst boss you ever had. Do you have an image of him/her in your mind‘s eye? Is your stomach starting to clench? Are you getting a little angry? Ok, now that you have that image in place, I want you to grab paper and pen or your electronic device and create a […]


PSO 2.0 – Transforming Professional Services into Professional Sales!?

Jump to a Section: Commitment | Trust | Reliable | Integrity Calling all CEOs, COOs and Board Members: if you aren’t looking at your Professional Services Organization (PSO) as a Professional SALES Organization, you are unequivocally hurting the value of your business. If your PSO Project Managers, Consultants and Engineers are NOT searching for opportunities […]


Who Owns the Customer Journey?

Jump to a Section: Awareness | Interest | Consideration | Evaluation | Purchase | Service | Loyalty | Re-Purchasing Has anyone asked this question inside of your organization recently? If no one has, have you discussed every part of the SALES JOURNEY/Sales Process, as it aligns with your customer journey? If you haven’t discussed either […]


The Best Salesperson You Know

Quite often in some of our sales training programs, we will ask participants to think of a time when they had researched a product( car, camera, computer, purse), had the money to buy that product, and then walked into a store to actually BUY IT. We ask them to think of a REAL SITUATION, and […]


Leadership: Beyond Star Trek

There is a question that all employees ask their leaders “Why should I follow you?” What’s that you say? No one’s ever asked me that! Well maybe not directly but take it from me it’s been asked. And discussed. In detail. And here’s the reality check: If you think you can avoid having to answer […]


INTERNAL networking

If you are over a certain age, when someone mentions the word NETWORKING, you probably think about attending a sparsely filled cocktail party, making useless small talk , and hoping beyond hope that someone will walk in, immediately love you, and offer you the job of your dreams.  If that happened to ANYONE reading this […]